Sunday, 2 August 2009

Hector's Hilpoltstein Hooley - Part 1 of ?

The best thing that can be said about the journey from Bamberg to Hilpoltstein is that it is over! The first leg was by rail replacement coach, with a driver who did not know where he was going - it’s interesting being in a coach doing a three-point turn on the main road…

We managed to meet up with Craig and Yvonne at Roth as planned (both trains arriving simultaneously – great planning!) Now there are 10!

It turns out that the Hilpoltstein Burgfest takes over the whole village – a few biers were had before we wandered out to the Festzelt. I would tell you all about it, but the Burgfestbier was only available by the litre. Suffice to say that some of the group were up on the benches dancing – including some that you might not expect. And no, I’m not naming names!

The night ended, for Hector and me, with meeting some members of one of the pageants, culminating in us being invited to their rehearsal this morning – but that’s for another post!

Hopefully, the next post will be Hector’s recollections of last night…

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