Friday, 27 May 2011


Don't ever think about getting a train with Craig!

The plan was simple - Dr Stan, Craig and I would take the short train journey to Peterborough, leaving Bernard in Cambridge to recover from his jet lag. What could possibly go wrong?

I can reveal that March station is not the place you want to spend three hours in - although we were better off than the train that spent 3 hours 200 yards from the station... It turned out that there was a signal failure. This seems to be a regular occurrence for Craig, who recently spent 5 hours on a train just outside York.

Eventually arriving in Peterborugh, our first stop was Oakham's Brewery Tap - highly recommended both for the beer and the Thai food available. Dragging Craig away (I think it's because the Tap is situated in an old Job Centre), we paid a quick visit to the Wortley Almshouses (apparently the model for the workhouse in Oliver Twist - now a Samuel Smith's pub) en route to the Ostrich - where, unlike in Cambridge, the locals talk to strangers!

Dr Stan wanted to visit Charters (a river barge serving Oakham beers), and took Craig with him. I went back to the Brewery Tap to try the Helter Skelter - recommended by those who had sampled it in the Live and Let Live the night before. Another success for Oakham!

Fortunately, the train back was uneventful, and so we were able to return to the Devonshire Arms to meet Peter, brother Gerry, Hector and Marg, who had all arrived in time to visit Norwich tomorrow.

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