Tuesday 28 July 2009

And then there were 2

Spent the afternoon wandering around hot, sunny Köln, visiting various brauhauses – Reissdorf, Sion, Gaffle and Fruh to name but a few…

At least the advanced guard has now doubled with the eventual arrival of Dr Stan – I understand that Hector has now confirmed that the latest Horrible Holiday has started. In some ways, Tonto’s Teutonic Takeover seems more appropriate, although that might only start once the main invasion force (you know who you are!) arrive in Bamberg hoping to get accommodation… Hector promises it will be alright!

Anyway, I’ve nothing else to add today – I bet you can’t wait for the next thrilling instalment of “Breweries I have visited”, coming soon from Bamberg (wifi dependent, as always!)


  1. Who, in their right mind, would spend ten days touring Munchen (Andechs, Tegernsee, St Jacobus), Bamberg,Forchheim (Annafest) Hilpoltstein (Das Burgfest), and Berlin (Strasse Fest), just to name five in search of the perfect pint?


  2. Where are Clive and Maggie?

  3. Mmmm, those glasses of kolsch are true visions of beauty! >>jealous<<
