Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Hector's Hilpoltstein Hooley - Part ? of ?

This morning, myself, Hector and Howard wandered up to the Festzelt at 9 am.

This is what we found:

It seems that one has to be at the tent at 7 am to get a seat - I suspect some never left last night!


  1. Who'd have thought it would have been such a happenin' place?! 9am!

  2. You're putting me to shame. I only managed 10 entries on our blog in a fortnight!

  3. Heya!
    Great to read about that here... I'm actually from Roth, and the guy in the middle on the other entry is a long friend of mine :D The "Burgfest-Montag" is one of the greatest parties around. Most of the people take a day or two off if they don't work in Hip (the companies usually go there together, no work will be done for sure ^^)... And yes, we take the first train which goes there in the morning to get a good seat :D
    Enjoy your stay ^^

