Monday 10 August 2009

The Last Post...

... of the Hilpoltstein Hooley 2009!

By now, the weary fellowship has returned to the Shire, the one ring destroyed... (oops - wrong story!)

As Howard said, the holiday had a number of highs, and some lows. The biggest high was undoubtably Hilpoltstein - the friendly locals, particularly the Fanfare group, will stay in mind for a long, long time. Visiting Berlin for the first time was also memorable. The main low was being delayed hugely on my way to Gent.

I am grateful to all of you who have followed the musings of a transient, if I may say, bier today, gone tomorrow blogger. Some of you have even commented!

A huge amount of credit, and major thanks, of course, go to Hector. Without his hard work and organisational skills, the trip would not have happened.

My 'guest' bloggers Hector (again!) and Howard provided a different viewpoint - thanks to them.

The trip would have been rather boring without the other members - Dr Stan, Robin, Steve, Craig, Yvonne, Peter, Gerry, Neil and Bernard. I think everyone has been pictured here at least once...

Thanks also to the various brewers of Germany (and Belgium), without whom the trip would have been pointless!

And of course, I have to mention 'T', who seems to have spent more time on this blog than I have...

This blog will be back when Hector arranges another Horrible Holiday!

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