Thursday, 6 August 2009


It seems that Hector has lost his touch - once again, the group split. The breakaway group (Horrible Holidays of Hector - Splitters!) - went to Tegernsee. Myself and Hector (HHH (Continuing)) toured round Munich. Steve went home!

As I can say nothing about Tegernsee this trip, I won't!

HHH (Cont) first went to the suburb of Markt Schwaben, where we visited the Schweiger Privatbrauerei (regular followers will be surprised...). We then went to the Sommerfest at the Olympic park, before going to the Waldwirtschaft bierkellar (beer garden) in one of the western suburbs - a superb location, overlooking the Isar river - with a jazz band playing in the background.

On our return to Munich, we went to the Augustiner brewery and met the splitters!

Rather than writing "Romans go home" 100 times to show his loyalty to HHH, Howard has agreed to do a guest post detailing his day - coming soon...


  1. awaiting photos and your guest poster!

  2. Nice blog !!!!! But The francofile section of the Bon accord are off to the sunny Sud de France in the morning , no German beer but plenty of Merlot... great blog... M, D & J
